

To guarantee the implementation of our actions and projects, APCARS receives public financing, from, amongst other entities, the Ministry of Justice, the Prefecture and the City of Paris, the Ile-de-France region as well as several towns in the Val-de-Marne (link to the list of our partners).

Nonetheless, as these sources of financing have constantly decreased over the past years, our association has enlarged the sources of our resources while pursuing our efforts to guarantee exemplary management (cost of our headquarters counts for only 5% of our total budget).

Resources in english

Use of resources

Your support is therefore essential to allow us to work for an enlightened justice, humane and restorative, by placing the victim, suspect, and former detainee in the center of our action.

You can choose to support our work in the exercise of our general missions or select one of the actions deployed by APCARS.

Service to Support Victims of Penal Offenses

The Victim Support Office was created as a walk-in reception center, for listening and providing information and orientation on victims’ rights and methods of compensation.

For whatever type of offense, type of accident, stage in the procedure, victims can receive free and confidential assistance and support in the respect to the deontological principles of the National Institute for Victim Support and Mediation.

Through its many actions of information and accompaniment, our Victim Support Office remedies the feeling of abandon and isolation, and often incomprehension and suffering of numerous victims.

Your support is thus essential to allow us to guarantee the continuity of this service, in the High Regional Courts (or TGI) of Créteil and Paris but also in the emergency service of the intercity Créteil hospital and the Legal Aid Center in Champigny-sur-Marne.


The “Laure Baste Morand” Fund Dedicated to Social Insertion

To accompany and provide housing for persons in a precarious situation, having received a penal condemnation is the primary mission of the professionals staffing our two establishments, Safran and Verlan, located in Paris.

It is important to note that our association is one of the few in France that is able to guarantee housing and social follow-up, which reinforces, by collaborating with the prison administration, the active fight against recidivism by a successful insertion.

But, due to a lack of means, 80% of prison releases take place currently with no preliminary arrangements, without a pre-defined insertion project.

Thanks to your donation to the “Laure Baste Morand” Fund, you will allow APCARS to pursue their actions of receiving and accompanying persons in need of reintegration.


The Regional Restorative Justice Service

Restorative justice is a complementary practice to the judicial system, based on the dialog between the Victim(s) and the Author(s) of an offense, in the presence of trained volunteer(s), representing the society and coordinated by professionals, who guarantee the smooth proceedings of these meetings.

It participates in the awareness of the repercussions of the offense and fosters the reconstruction and the regaining of harmony for each person.

This practice is widely used in other countries (Canada, United States, Belgium, etc.) and very positively perceived by participants[1], thanks to the resulting feeling that justice has been rendered.

By installing a dialog between participants, restorative justice fosters:

–       the compensation of the victim

–       assuming of responsibility by the author

–       reestablishment of social harmony

Thanks to your support, the regional service of restorative justice will be able to benefit from a lasting economic environment to be able to offer accompaniment over time for victims and authors of offenses.

[1] Rugge, T and Scott, T-L, 2009 “Restorative Justice’s Impact on Participants’ Psychological and Physical Health.”