Scientific Committee

With respect to the developmental mission statement and the strategic multiannual plan, the board of directors decided to surround itself with nationally and internationally renown experts by creating a scientific committee.

The committee’s principle objectives will be the following:

  • enlighten the association on current practices, evaluated experiences and the work produced by research centers in France and abroad;
  • offer a theoretical and critical framework to the association;
  • provide access to the results of the numerous research studies undergone, within its intervention domains, to the executive management and the members of APCARS ;
  • encourage collaborations between APCARS and the research sector, particularly by welcoming university students and researchers as members or through the development of research-action projects;
  • participate in a jury, financed by a partner of APCARS, to select and award a study/thesis/research project within a domain of intervention relevant to the association

The association is particularly honored to gather around itself, some of the most renowned and active experts in the criminology discipline.

Robert Cario (University of Pau)

Robert Cario is an emeritus professor of criminology at the University de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour since January 1st 2014. He has led the Jean Pinatel Unit for Comparative Criminal Science (UJP/CRAJ) and founded the Master of Criminology in 1999. Since 1985, his teachings have principally covered the disciplines of criminology, victimology and restorative penology. After having explored both sides of crime, in terms of authors and victims, he has now directed his research towards restorative justice.

He is the author of several articles regarding the psychology behind aggression, victimology and restorative justice, published in both French and international journals.

CV Robert Cario

Boris Cyrulnik

Boris Cyrulnik is a French psychoanalyste. He also leads a research group in clinical ethology at the Hospital of Toulon, a subject that he also teaches in this same city. He has largely contributed to making this subject a recognized discipline, the only one that allows for a global comprehension of the Human. It is also thanks to him that we owe the concept of resilience (rebirth through one’s suffering), linked to a painful personal experience.

CV de Boris Cyrulnik

Virginie Gautron (Nantes University)

Virginie Gautron is a lecturer in penal law and criminal sciences, as well as deputy director of the Law and Social Change laboratory. Her doctoral thesis on the public policies aiming to fight delinquency was awarded the Emile Garçon prize in 2007 by the French association for penal law.

She conducts research on the partnerships within the sector of tackling delinquency, on decisive penal practices, on measures that incite treatment, on penally mandated treatment and the expertise domain. She codirects a quantitative and qualitative research project on the measures of mandated treatment in Nantes with Sylvie Grunvald. She participates in the writing committees of several scientific reviews as well as the scientific committee of the French observatory on drugs and substance addiction. She is a Group Council member of the European research group on deviance and social control (GERN).

CV de Virginie Gautron

Catherine Rossi (Laval University – Quebec)

Catherine Rossi is a professor (criminology program, Social service School, Laval university) and permanent researcher at the Center for interdisciplinary research on family violence and violence against women. She is also an associate researcher at the International Center for Comparative Criminology (CiCC), member of the Research Group in Financial Services Rights at the Faculty of Law-Laval University, president of the organisation Viol-Secours (Center for help and the struggle against sexually characterized violences) in Quebec, vice-president of the French Institute for Restorative Justice (IFJR) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Restorative Justice Services of Montreal.

CV de Catherine Rossi

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