Huguette Bensaïd
Director of CIFA
APCARS employee since 2015 (date at which the CIFA joined APCARS)
In her years spent at the City of Paris services she directed a training and orientation center for adults with difficulties, and was later sent to the High Court of Créteil to organize and lead professional integration actions for offenders given adjusted or alternative sentences. She was part of the team that created the CIFA association in 2003 and has, since then, been responsible for and actively participating in its functioning.
She graduated from the école supérieure de journalisme et des hautes études sociales.
Claire Commenchal
Head of Service SAJIR
APCARS employee since 2010
With degrees in accounting and finance (DECF) and criminal law (DEA), Mme. Commenchal worked as a jurist, a trainer, and then becomes Head and Site Manager of a victim support association in Paris. She joined APCARS as the SAJIR Head of Service in Créteil (victim support, judicial investigations, rapid social investigations, penal mediations, penal reparations for minors).
Dino Ferrarato
Head of the Housing and Social Reintegration Center, VERLAN
APCARS employee since 2012
M. Ferrato holds both a teaching and a social work degree as well as an advanced degree in Educational Science (1993).
He was a special-needs teacher at the social housing service in Paris, social services assistant at the Verlan CHRS and the Mutalité Sociale Agricole (Farmers’ Health and Social Protection Organization) in Charente as well as a trainer at the IRTS (Regional Institute for Social Work) in Poitiers.
Since 2012, he is the Head of Service at the Verlan CHRS.
Julie Buquet
Head of the Housing and Social Reintegration Center, SAFRAN
APCARS employee since 2013
Initially from a social services assistant background , she has worked for more than ten years alongside persons within the criminal justice system and specifically inside the carceral system. Since 2017, she is the Head of Service at the Safran CHRS.
Anne Herbaux-Meurisse
Head of the Personality Investigations Service
APCARS employee since 1987
With a degree in special-needs education, Mme. Herbaux-Meurisse is hired in this capacity in a social housing center between 1984 and 1986, when she then joins APCARS as a social investigator. She is named Head of the Rapid Social Investigations Service in 1999 and then Head of the Personality Investigations Service in 2005.
Sophie Gelly
Head of the Rapid Social Investigations Service
APCARS employee since 2004
As a psychology graduate, Mme Gelly joins APCARS as an investigator for the rapid social investigations service and the personality investigations service at the High Court of Créteil for the first ten years.
She is currently responsible for the training of all new investigators in the rapid social investigation service on all three sites (Paris, Bobigny and Créteil) as well as the facilitator of courses required from offenders given adjusted or alternative sentences by the judge. (Sensibilisation course on the dangers of drug use, an accountability course for those convicted of conjugal violence, and sensibilisation course for the fight against the purchasing of sexual acts)
Samantha Enderlin
Director of RIVE
Doctor of private law and criminal sciences (prison sentence application), previously the secretary general of the French criminology association, Samantha taught at the Paris Ouest Nanterre University, before joining the CNDS and later on the Défenseur des droits, an institution that defends and promotes citizens’ rights (deontology of security). She joined APCARS as head of communication, research and development to then become the director of the project RIVE.
Sandrine Euzenat
Director of APCARS Marseille
APCARS employee since 2015 (date at which the SPES became APCARS Marseille)
Having obtained a masters degree in law (MASTER II), specialized in penal procedure and the city’s judicial policy, she has worked with foreign migrants and/or persons within the justice system for more than 10 years, as a lawyer and specifically in the penitentiary system.
Véronique Jonca
Head of the Justice service – APCARS Marseille
APCARS employee since 2015 (date at which the SPES became APCARS Marseille)
Holder of a CAFERUIS certificate, she has worked with persons under the justice system’s authority since 1985. Initially in charge of the investigations service (rapid social investigations and personality investigations), she then led the CJSE service. Mme Jonca participated in the first experimental removal of violent spouses from their environment alongside a judicial review obligation for those given short delays before their sentencing since 2000.
Maryse Massabo
Head of the RSA service – APCARS Marseille
APCARS employee since 2015 (date at which the SPES became APCARS Marseille)
With a state degree in social services obtained in 2000, she spends 6 years as a facilitator for individualized social aid. Since then, she became the part-time head of the RSA service at ESF services, later known as the SPES which is now part of APCARS.
Alongside these responsibilities she is also the social coordinator and assistant of the social services department for the employees at Aix-Marseille University.